The rest of the data is used to store the IDs of the Pokens you befriended. There is room for 64 records (friends) of 16 bytes each. If you befriend more than 64 Pokens without connecting to the Poken site, the old records get overwritten by new records (like in a circular buffer) and you lose friends.
I’ve a tip for you: if you can’t connect to the Poken web site while befriending more than 64, connect your Poken to your laptop and backup file Start_Poken.html. Later, when you’ve access to the Poken site, open the backuped files in the order you backed them up. Each file will update your data. And after that, use your Poken.
they’ll exchange IDs through RFID.
When I read the Poken FAQ stating that your data is protected by a “very advanced encryption method” (sic), I interpret that all the data is encrypted with a cipher like AES.
I don’t believe it is state of the art. Modern, secure ciphers like AES work with blocks of at least 128 bits (16 bytes). In the Poken data, we have blocks of maximum 64 bits (8 bytes). 64 bit encryption is not state of the art anymore. For comparison, DES (and 3DES) work on 64 bits block. You shouldn’t use DES anymore, because it can be brute-forced, although that’s still not trivial to do.