

Optane DC Persistent Memory


3D XPointは不揮発のフラッシュメモリとなるため、データは電源を切っても保持される。このため、悪意がある人がデータセンターに忍び込み、Optane DC Persistent Memoryのモジュールをスロットから引き抜き、データを読み取るというこも考えられないわけではない




Interestingly, if you cool the DRAM chips, for example by spraying inverted cans of “canned air” dusting spray on them, the chips will retain their contents for much longer. At these temperatures (around -50 °C) you can remove the chips from the computer and let them sit on the table for ten minutes or more, without appreciable loss of data. Cool the chips in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C) and they hold their state for hours at least, without any power. Just put the chips back into a machine and you can read out their contents.

This is deadly for disk encryption products because they rely on keeping master decryption keys in DRAM. This was thought to be safe because the operating system would keep any malicious programs from accessing the keys in memory, and there was no way to get rid of the operating system without cutting power to the machine, which “everybody knew” would cause the keys to be erased.


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